Are there people around who share my values? What does it mean to be a person of faith today? Is there any decent worship around? I’m new, how do I meet good people? Where/how can I give of some of my time and talent? If you’ve asked yourself any of these questions, come check out Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church. Together, we meet to plan events and activities that fall in these categories: Service, Spiritual, Serious, Social. As a parish, our purpose is to put people in contact with each other, offer some alternatives and supplements which may not be experienced in
our culture, and further our faith through understanding.
There are many opportunities to be a part of ministry at St. John.
As you participate in ministry, your faith will grow along with your connection to the St. John family. Your gift of time and talent to the parish will give you an opportunity to make friends and get to know the people of the parish.
Altar Servers
Contact: Matt McCluskey, (850) 456-7206, [email protected]
To be an altar server is a special honor and a great privilege in the Catholic Church. Altar servers today can trace their roots, or genealogy, to the order of Acolyte, a ministry that once was reserved only for those who were going to be ordained priests. One can look upon being an altar server as a special and unique ministry by which one can help to spread the word and the love of Christ through your actions and words. It is not difficult to be an altar server, but there are some things that you must know and remember.
The primary role of the altar server is to assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass. This is done through specific actions and by setting an example to the congregation by active participation in the liturgy by their actions, singing of hymns, responses of the people, looking alert and sitting or standing at the appropriate times.
Anyone who has received First Communion may serve in this ministry. There is no age limit for servers; teenagers, young adults, and older adults are welcome and encouraged to participate in this ministry. “Do this in memory of me.” --Luke 22:19
Altar Society
Contact: Mrs. Lori Remich
Ministry Retreat Compilation (click here)
Since 1850, the women of St. John the Evangelist parish have assisted in cleaning and maintain altar linens and the church. The organization has increased its duties to include: Burse Club, Angel Tree, providing flowers for Easter and Christmas, decorating the church for proper seasons, Alpha Center Baby Shower and preparation of newborn Layettes, purchasing altar linens, votive stand and candles, Water Well, and family care for funerals.
Each year, the Altar Society hosts a Christmas luncheon and May picnic inviting all women of the parish to attend and to bring a friend.
Many women are busy, preventing full participation in the society and for that reason, the Altar Society has an Auxiliary to enable membership without having to attend meetings. Auxiliary members are kept informed of all activities and have the option to participate in any event.
Banker Ministry (Counters)
Contact: Deborah Beazley, (850) 455-0356, [email protected]
Ministry Retreat Compilation (click here)
The Banker Ministry (Counters) meets weekly to count the Sunday offertory. This consists of counting the cash, working the envelopes, and balancing the collection. If you are interested in participating in this very important ministry, please contact Deborah .
Bereavement Ministry
Contact: Linda Robison
The Bereavement Ministry Group assists the Pastor in caring for the family of a deceased parishioner before, during and after the funeral. Members are needed to help with food, telephoning, food setup and cleanup. Follow up visits to the family after the funeral is also important. The Bereavement Ministry also sponsors the Annual All Soul’s Day Memorial Service and the Holiday Tree of Remembrance. In addition, this ministry hosts speakers from Covenant Hospice. Please contact Monsignor Jim if you wish to serve in this important ministry.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC)
Contact: Angela Fell in the Parish Office at (850) 455-0356, [email protected]
Ministry Retreat Compilation (click here)
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist with the distribution of Holy Communion during the celebration of Mass. Any parishioner who has received all the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) may serve in this ministry. Initial training is provided and workshops are held on an annual basis to update ministers on their understanding of the Eucharist and the practical procedures for being an Extraordinary Minister. Extraordinary Ministers are mandated by the pastor with the permission of the bishop.
Faith Formation (Pre-K through 8th Grade)
Contact: Alejandra Duda, (850) 530-5305, [email protected]
Ministry Retreat Compilation (click here)
Our Faith Formation Program (CCD) encourages life-long faith formation and ongoing conversion! Learning sessions are held on Sunday mornings. They begin in September when school begins and continue through May.
Faith Formation today means reaching beyond the classroom and connecting with the center of parish life—the liturgy. Faith formation is about forming disciples—disciples who are formed in a worshipping community on fire with the faith. So full of the spirit in fact, that the people, young and old can’t wait to share their faith with one another and all who are touched by their lives. The primary event in the faith lives of Catholics is the liturgy. But how do you connect that liturgical experience to the faith journeys of all the people in the parish? Children, inquirers, catechumens, candidates and life long learners.
We are excited to have you join us. To enroll, just complete the registration form and return it to the parish office along with the registration fee. For additional information, contact Alejandra Duda.
Hispanic Ministry
Contact: Father Will Ganci, (850) 455-0356, [email protected]
El Ministerio Hispano has been a part of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church for more than 15 years. We are committed to help our Hispanic community grow in their Catholic faith by using their own language. We provide them with a welcoming environment to church and as a growing community, we continue with our traditions and pass them down to future generations.
The Hispanic Ministry works for a better community in Christ. We offer Mass in Spanish, sacramental education in Spanish, and a wide variety of opportunities for our people to participate in mass in our different ministries. The Hispanic Ministry welcomes you every Sunday at 12 Noon to our Spanish Mass.
Contact: Angela Fell in the Parish Office at (850) 455-0356, [email protected]
Ministry Retreat Compilation (click here)
Greeters are a very important ministry as they are the first people that any newcomer or visitor encounters when they arrive at the Church. The most important qualification for a greeter is the ability to say hello with a smile! Anyone may serve as a greeter and families are encouraged to serve in this ministry together.
Greeters have the following functions:
- 1. Welcome people to the church
- 2. Assist people who arrive late with finding a seat
- 3. Assist with the collection
- 4. Be available in case of any emergency
- 5. Distribute the bulletins as people leave Mass
Knights of Columbus
Contact: Ted Carr, (910) 200-0990, [email protected]
Ministry Retreat Compilation (click here)
The St. John the Evangelist Council 15007 supports our Catholic faith, our Church and priests, those in need within our community and families. We celebrate every Knight for his strength, compassion and his dedication to building a better world. Knights have contributed hundreds of volunteer hours in support of St. John’s Catholic School and St. John’s Catholic Church.
Many events have been hosted for local youth including soccer and free throw challenges, poster and essay contests, vocations awareness contests and spelling bees. Through fundraising efforts, monies have been raised to provide support for ARC Gateway and local Morningstar Academies, vocational support to five diocesan seminarians and two religious novices via the Orders Refund Support Vocations Program. Support has also been given to the local Alpha Center.
The Order has been called “the strong right arm of the Church,” and has been praised by popes, presidents and other world leaders, for support of the Church, programs of evangelization and Catholic education, civic involvement and aid to those in need.
If you are looking to grow in your Catholic faith through education and actions, please come join us and help us build a better world!
Contact: Angela Fell in the Parish Office at (850) 455-0356, [email protected]
Ministry Retreat Compilation (click here)
Lectors have the important role of proclaiming God’s Word during the Celebration of the Eucharist and other special liturgies. Middle school age youth through adults may serve in this ministry. Lectors prepare for their important role by prayer, practice and study of God’s Word. Every year in November, lectors receive a special workbook that helps them with their ministry for the coming liturgical year. Workshops during the year address the spiritual and practical considerations of effectively proclaiming the Word of God. “The Lord God has given me a well-trained tongue that I might know how to speak to the weary a word that will rouse them.” --Isaiah 50:4
Legion of Mary
Contact: Chris Goenner, leave message with parish office at (850) 455-0356
Married Couples for Christ
Contact: John and Lori Remich, (850) 458-0759, [email protected]
Married Couples for Christ coming together to gain wisdom, share faith experiences, and grow in holiness as married, Catholic couples. We meet at 7 p.m. the last Friday of the month (4th Friday if 5 weeks in a month). Newly married to new parents to empty nesters to golden years couples; all are encouraged to attend.
Ministry to the Sick and Homebound
Contact: Fr. John Licari, [email protected]
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who have completed the requirements listed below can serve as Minister of Care to the Sick and Homebound. These Ministers of Care visit the sick in their homes and care facilities to bring them the Holy Eucharist and help these persons maintain a connection with Saint John the Evangelist parish. Requirements are as follows:
- 1. Have a desire to minister to the sick and feel comfortable around people who may be in pain and or a diminished state of health.
- 2. Complete two online workshops related to Abuse Prevention.
- 3. Attend a series of workshops relating to Minister of Care functions.
- 4. Be fingerprinted.
- 5. Pass a background investigation.
Persons who are accepted into this ministry are expected to make a long term commitment to it. Ministers of Care are mandated by the pastor with the permission of the bishop.
Music Ministry
Contact: Michael Losee, (850) 455-0356, [email protected]
Ministry Retreat Compilation (click here)
Saint Augustine said, “He who sings prays twice!” So why not consider giving of your time and talent to the Music Ministry of Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church? We are an informal group who enjoy making a joyful noise unto the Lord, and praying in song! Presently, rehearsals are held one hour prior to each Mass on the weekends. The musical offering for each Mass is one that is both traditional and contemporary.
The Music Ministry extends a personal invitation to anyone who would like to share their time and talents in serving God through the gift of music. If you enjoy playing an instrument that does not require much instruction, or if you sing and would like to be in the choir and/or if you would like to cantor remember “God has a place for you in the Mass!”
“God dwells within each human person, in the place where music takes its source. Indeed, God, the giver of song, is present whenever his people sing his praises.”
--U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship, 1
Pastoral Council & Finance Council
Contact: Father John Licari, (850) 455-0356, [email protected]
Ministry Retreat Compilation (click here)
The Pastoral Council, mandated by the bishop, meets on a regular basis to offer advice and counsel to the pastor on matters pertaining to parish life.
The Parish Finance Council is appointed by the pastor according to the norms of the Code of Canon Law and diocesan regulations. The council assists the pastor with his duties regarding the temporal affairs of the parish.
Contact: Alejandra Duda, (850) 530-5305, [email protected]
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the process for those interested in the Catholic faith or discerning an interest in the Catholic Church. For more information, please contact .
RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation of Children) is a similar process for our young students 7 to 14 years of age. For more information, please contact .
Sacramental Preparation
for Reconciliation, First Communion & Confirmation
Contact: Alejandra Duda, (850) 530-5305, [email protected]
Catechesis for the first reception of the Sacrament of Penance is to precede the catechesis for the reception of First Communion and is kept distinct by a clear and unhurried separate preparation. This is done so that the specific identity of each sacrament is apparent, and so that before receiving First Communion the child will be familiar with the Rite of Penance and will be at ease with the reception of the sacrament. The Sacrament of Penance is to be celebrated prior to the reception of First Eucharist.
Parents of Children who have reached the second grade are invited to enroll their children for sacramental preparation for Penance and Eucharist. Parents not only have the right but also the responsibility to be intimately involved in preparing their children for the sacraments. That preparation should be both supportive and instructional. The supportive role includes a home environment which nourishes a love of God and an appreciation for the sacraments. The instructional role is to assist in teaching and reinforcing of catechetical content. Thus, parents will attend with their children as they prepare for the reception of each sacrament.
Sacramental Preparation for Confirmation is a process that involves both youth and their parents and is distinct from ongoing faith formation and youth ministry. Its purpose is to prepare families for the celebration of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the Rite of Confirmation and for fuller participation in the Body of Christ. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1212) teaches us that, “The faithful are born anew by Baptism, strengthened by the sacrament of Confirmation, and receive in the Eucharist the food of eternal life.”
This process serves as immediate preparation for Confirmation. It breaks open the “Word” and the “symbol” of the rite through a study of the scripture, symbols, gestures, music, and ritual text that is associated with the sacrament.
“Receive the Holy Spirit.” --John 20:22
Contact: Father John Licari, (850) 455-0356, [email protected]
Ministry Retreat Compilation (click here)
Sacristans help by setting up the Church for the celebration of Mass on Saturdays, Sundays and weekdays. They are responsible for the upkeep of the Sacred Vessels and the linens used for Mass. There are no meetings and no dues. We have need of generous hearts and hands.
St. John the Evangelist Catholic School
Contact: Raymond Concannon, Principal, (850) 456-5218,
St. John the Evangelist Catholic School provides a safe, caring, Christ-centered environment. We guide our students in developing academic excellence, leadership skills, and personal responsibility through the use of reason, religion, and loving kindness. Based on our Catholic values, we are a community working for the respect of all, service to others, and social justice in our world.
St. John the Evangelist Catholic School welcomes individuals who are interested in volunteering their time throughout the academic year.
WEAC - Warrington Emergency Aid Center
Contacts: Father John Licari, (850) 455-0356, [email protected]
WEAC is a non-profit service center which provides clothing and food items for the low-income and/or needy residents of the Warrington area. WEAC is co-sponsored by nine churches; Redeemer Lutheran Church, St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Liberty Church, Perdido Bay United Methodist Church, St. John Episcopal Church, Warrington Assembly of God, Warrington Baptist Church, Warrington Presbyterian Church and Warrington United Methodist Church.
WEAC is located on the public transportation route. It is located at the Corner of Navy Boulevard and Sunset Avenue. To receive assistance, adults must have a referral from a church or social service agency within the Warrington area. Preference is given to those who have previously applied for food stamp benefits.
Hours of operation are Monday-Friday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm.
Monetary and non-perishable food items are always accepted. Items such as canned meats, tuna, rice, macaroni and cheese plus breakfast items.
Welcome Desk
Contact: Father John Licari, (850) 455-0356, [email protected]
The ministry provides information and is a good time to ask any questions that you may have regarding our church and all the many activities made available. Being involved with the Welcome Desk only requires one to be available for assistance 15 minutes before and after Mass. If you would like to volunteer to help with this ministry, please call Father John Licari.